I often wondered if the sailors of Homer’s day felt as we did when we sighted dry land after a long voyage? During breakfast we tied up to the small pier in the sleepy port of Pylos on the Peloponnesus peninsula after two fantastic days of sailing across the Ionian Sea. Under cloudless blue skies, we drove through sage-green olive groves surrounding the Bay of Navarino to the Mycenaean Palace of Nestor—Homer’s wise and benevolent king who features large in both the Iliad and the Odyssey. In the afternoon, after a sumptuous Greek buffet lunch on the Lido Deck, we climbed up to the spectacular Neokastro—a 16th-century Ottoman fortress that was modified and added to by the Venetians when they occupied the region in the 17th century. What a perfect introduction to Greece after our circumnavigation of Sicily.
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