Our third day at sea, consisted of a Zodiac a trip to shore on Le Conte Bay and a hike along the trail on the outskirts of the town of Petersburg. From about 9:30am until noon we were able to take the Zodiacs to shore and look at some of the icebergs that had been washed up by the tide. I never thought I would see so many icebergs, especially along the shore. It was a real Alaskan summer day, with the sun out most of the day, shining through the blue ice while we listened to the droplets of water falling from the slowly melting ice bergs. We also went on a nature walk through the forest studying the wild flowers and trees. After lunch we tied up at the dock in Petersburg and went on a short hike where we learned about the landscape. In the town of Petersburg we were able to see a ton of Bald Eagles. We had a very productive day. I learned so much and tried so many new things. As each day passes I begin to feel that I’m building character.
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