On a whim we stopped at the Blasket Islands, a place that, to our knowledge, the ship had never been before. Some say these islands are so remote that even the Irish don't get there. Fortunately we found that not to be completely true. We were helped ashore by a friendly young man, the local ferry captain. Strolling up the grassy roads, passing satisfied-looking sheep, we came to a caf‚. This was not much more than a home kitchen and a couple of outdoor picnic tables, but as the weather was brilliantly sunny and practically hot, there was no place we would rather have been. We ordered up cake, coffee and tea for everyone and talked with the locals. Our view was of scattered islands, each ragged and jagged from arguing with the sea. Below us were houses, abandoned since the 50's. And there sat our wren. Remarkable bird! Westernmost of his kind! For the Blaskets perch on the continental shelf, at the western edge of Europe. One chancy flight and he might complete his species' global circumnavigation!
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