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Xavier Suarez
Xavier Suárez was born in Guayaquil. His father, a captain from the Ecuadorian Merchant Marine, took him to the Galápagos Islands for the very first time at the age of five. As he grew up, Xavier had the opportunity to discover the fragility and uniqueness of the remote Galápagos Islands. Soon, he developed a deep love and passion for the archipelago.
Xavier obtained a bachelor degree in tourism and hotel management with a major in environmental studies at Espiritu Santo University, Guayaquil City. This helped Xavier to build a mature outlook in life and solidify an empirical knowledge based in conservation and travel.
By age 21, he became a naturalist guide for the Galápagos National Park and soon started to work as a freelance guide. He believes that being a guide is a great opportunity to spread the word to others about the value of wildlife and its conservation.
Xavier loves the ocean and takes every opportunity to go snorkeling and show the richness and beauty of the Galápagos undersea with guests. He also enjoys underwater photography and filming.