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Robyn Wilson
Robyn was born and raised in Miami, Florida. Her favorite pastime in her youth was spending time on or near the oceans, either on the beautiful beaches of Miami or on boats in the surrounding waters. She became certified to scuba dive at the age of 16 and was profoundly enamored with the ocean deep, a passion that has endured throughout her life. She remains an avid advanced and rescue scuba diver. At the age of 20 Robyn embarked on a lifetime of professional and pleasure worldwide sailing adventures. Hiking and camping in the wilderness anywhere in the world, but especially the beautiful Pacific Northwest, has also always been a healthy obsession of hers.
Robyn holds a Master of Science in exercise sports sciences with a minor in nutrition from the University of Florida. She went to the Florida School of Massage and was licensed in 1984. For 20 years she was a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) and Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) for the University of Florida Athletic Association (Florida Gators) and owner of University Sports Massage, Inc. where she and her staff provided sports massage and clinical care of injuries to the Gainesville, Florida community. Robyn sold her practice in 2008, and she and her husband moved to the Caribbean on their sailboat. Currently they live on their boat on the island of Roatan in the Bay Islands of Honduras. There she provides massage therapy to resort guests.
Over the years Robyn has participated and instructed in martial arts training, yoga, aerobic dance, and flexibility programs. With a background in athletic training and exercise sport science it comes as no surprise her specialty is sports massage and fitness training with an emphasis on prevention and care of injuries. However, if a soothing massage, a rejuvenating facial or a customized gentle stretch or strengthening program is desired you will find yourself in great hands.
Robyn loves to travel and experience the beauty of the world and other cultures. She is thrilled to meet new people, cherishes great conversation, and loves to share the joy of exercise, movement, wellness, and adventures with others.