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Fausto Arellano
Fausto Arellano was born in Quito, the capital of Ecuador. Since early childhood, he was inclined towards nature. Upon graduating from high school, he took a trip to the Galapagos Islands. This journey changed his life path and he studied biology at the Catholic University in Quito and Universidad Catolica Argentina in Buenos Aires, Argentina. His interests also include languages; he studied Italian in Rome and German in Frankfurt.
To further explore nature, he became a Naturalist and a Dive Master. Fausto has guided as a Naturalist as well as a Dive Master on SCUBA diving cruises in the Galapagos for over twenty two years.
In his leisure time, Fausto enjoys studying marine life, oceanography, photography and the arts and also enjoys developing entrepreneurial businesses. He worked for Austrian Crystals Swarovsky Design Systems. He is a representative of Argentinian Wines Largarde. He has lived in Buenos Aires, Rome, Frankfurt, and Chicago as well as traveled extensively throughout Europe, North and South America, Antartica, and Africa. In 2010 he traveled to Australia to lecture on the Galapagos at Darwin’s University in Darwin. Currently, he is engaged in the production of a photographic book on the Galapagos.